Caring for your plaster

Modern day casts are still an important part of Orthopaedic care but much more comfortable and convenient than in years gone by.

Used to immobilise and protect a fractured bone such as an ankle or wrist while it heals, most plasters are these days, lightweight and some even waterproof. Your doctor will provide the most suitable cast for your particular injury. You will also be provided with appropriate care instructions.

We ask that you let your doctor know immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • Persistent pain or burning under the plaster
  • Stretch Pain
  • Marked blueness of the fingers or toes
  • Numbness in the fingers or toes
  • Marked swelling of the fingers or toes

When your plaster has been applied

When your plaster is applied it is often tight and will need time to dry. Some are quick drying and can be at full strength after half an hour. The Plaster may get weakened or damaged when it get wet. Always keep the hand or feet elevated by using a sling or a pillow under the leg. Your doctor will be able to advise you when you will be able to walk (weight bear) if you have a fracture of the lower limb. You may experience tightness around the cast, which is often associated with the initial injury. Once swelling subsides your plaster may feel more comfortable.